Citizens Alliance of New Hampshire fights for our shared New Hampshire values, regardless of party affiliation. That’s because all of our actions revolve around The Pledge: 10 simple commitments inspired by the New Hampshire State Constitution and the U.S. Constitution. When a New Hampshire lawmaker signs The Pledge, they promise to uphold the following:
As a New Hampshire legislator I will...

Vote to support our state and federal constitutional right to self-defense.

Vote to support medical freedom for patients and practitioners.

Vote to strengthen election integrity.

Vote to expand education freedom and transparency.

Vote to uphold our protected right to due process and equal justice under the law.

Vote to expand economic freedom for individuals and businesses.

Vote to support the free speech of all citizens.

Vote to cap or reduce state spending and tax rates.

Vote to limit or reduce the size and scope of the state's bureaucracies.

Vote to protect New Hampshire's rights and oppose federal overreach.
How was The Pledge created?
The Pledge is inspired by the New Hampshire State Constitution’s “Bill of Rights” and the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, because these two documents outline the set of rules and values which all New Hampshire citizens have agreed to live by. These 10 commitments set a reasonable, fair and clear standard by which Granite Staters can judge their elected officials.
This contract between legislators and their constituents is written down and in full public view for anyone who wants to see it. No tricks and no spin. In fact, we invite all legislators from all political parties to meet with us and learn more about The Pledge and become signers.
Signing The Pledge is a sign of loyalty to these values, not a pledge of loyalty to an organization or any special interests. If anything, the only special interests represented by the Pledge are the citizens of New Hampshire.
How do I know if my lawmaker has signed The Pledge?
Citizens Alliance of New Hampshire asks all 400 New Hampshire state representatives and 24 state senators to sign The Pledge. Sign up to become a Citizen Pledge Champion to receive regular updates on Pledge Signers and whether your lawmaker is voting to uphold their commitment.
What happens when a lawmaker signs The Pledge?
Lawmakers who honor the Pledge receive intense support in their district, including:
- Digital and print advertising on lawmaker votes and issues stances
- Thank you notes, emails and phone calls from constituents
- Voter education on key issues that align with The Pledge
- Townhall opportunities
- Realtime legislative alerts to constituents
What happens when a lawmaker betrays or ignores The Pledge?
When a lawmaker signs The Pledge, they agree to be held publicly accountable. When they break this agreement we make sure their constituents are aware, utilizing tools such as:
- Digital and print advertising on lawmaker votes and issues stances
- Letter, email and text updates on their voting record
- Realtime legislative alerts to constituents
- Educational videos, cartoons and infographics
How does CANH score lawmakers?
CANH uses a simple “stoplight” rating system to score lawmaker behavior.

Good Standing
Legislators in this zone are committed to upholding The Pledge and working hard defending New Hampshire values.

Questionable Standing
Legislators in this zone are showing signs of abandoning The Pledge and need encouragement to keep defending New Hampshire values.

Bad Standing
Legislators in this zone have chosen to ignore or abandon The Pledge and should be questioned if they are aligned with New Hampshire values and the oath they took to uphold the New Hampshire and U.S. Constitutions.
Our goal is to bring honesty and integrity back to New Hampshire politics. True to our mission, we provide ample opportunity for Pledge Signers to have input into the scoring process. We host periodic check-ins during the legislative session where lawmakers can push back on how we score individual bills by providing different perspectives on legislation. For Pledge Signers in bad standing, we host virtual town halls with their constituents where they have a chance to defend their voting record as it relates to The Pledge in a respectful and civil environment.
Regardless of a lawmaker’s standing, CANH may engage in targeted educational messaging to constituents in their districts on specific issues and legislation.