Legislative Candidate Survey 2025

Please allot 30 minutes to complete survey. 

Citizen Alliance of New Hampshire’s mission is to empower New Hampshire through a citizen legislature accountable to the people.

In order to be considered for an endorsement from Citizens Alliance of New Hampshire for your upcoming election, you must sign The Pledge and complete this candidate survey in full. Blank or deferred answers will be evaluated in the negative.


Those who advance through the first round of the endorsement process will be interviewed by our evaluation committee.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. For privacy and disclosure notification, please see the bottom of this form.

Basic Information

Enter your name as it would appear on the ballot.(Required)
Campaign Address(Required)
Preferred Mailing Address (if different from campaign address)
example: 36
What office are you seeking?(Required)

Campaign Information

If none, enter n/a
If none, enter n/a
If none, enter n/a
If none, enter n/a
If none, enter n/a
If none, enter n/a

Survey Part I

Please mark all that apply.(Required)

Survey Part II

When is a tax or fee increase necessary? (Check all that apply)(Required)

Survey Part III


By checking this box, you acknowledge that Citizens Alliance of New Hampshire does not intend to share these survey results with the public. However, if you are elected to office and vote against the positions you described or otherwise act against the policy positions you represent in this survey and/or against The Pledge, Citizens Alliance of New Hampshire reserves the right to make your answers known.(Required)
By checking this box, you verify that this survey was filled out by you and to the best of your ability and with accuracy in regards to your positions.(Required)